Saturday, July 19, 2008

Woody Guthrie's unpublished songs

Woody Guthrie had many unpublished lyrics, which Bob Dylan says Guthrie told him he could have have when he was visiting Guthrie in the hospital. When Dylan got to his house on Mermaid Avenue in Coney Island, New York, only a babysitter and Arlo Guthrie were home, so Dylan never got the songs. So who did? Well wouldn't you know it, it was Wilco and Billy Bragg, and Guthrie's daughter, Nora "curated" the project. 40 years later from the time when Dylan oozed across the swamp to Woody's house, Mermaid's Avenue became a reality and received a Grammy nomination for best contemporary folk album in 1998.

Anywho, I'll be playing a song from the album on the next edition of The New Spin hosted by yours truly this Wednesday night, 10-11P.M. Newfoundland time on 93.5 CHMR-FM.

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